Monday, September 01, 2008

"P" is for...Pocatello Marathon

This marathon has become a yearly tradition for the Anderson Family. We ran this a couple years ago and it was a blast for the whole family to get together and run. A great meeting site for a Family Reunion
This year Jerry the head of the Family and party planner turned 60 several days before the marathon so it was only natural that the family come from all over to celebrate, and what better way to celebrate than spend a day running after Grandpa!

This year Monte ran a 10k and took 1st for his age group. The kids, Anali, Aden and Avalon all ran the fun run and finished. Aden was a trooper as usual and just kept running. Avalon and I tried to keep up pace. Anali ran really fast crying the whole way.


Sarah Hastings said...

Sounds like you have been busy!! It's good to get an update and see what the fam is up to!

James and Jessica Ford said...

Holy Smaokes. That was the greatest birthday gift idea in the whole world. You are so clever. Saling lessons! I am glad that you had such a fun tim at the race. GOod for Monte. I would be happy to finish. A 10K is pretty long. Good to see you guys.

jaci said...

i'm glad you finally updated the news:) have you seen the picture of anali from the pocatello marathon website-i love it! i'm glad you are all doing good, my blog spot is sandersonfun-i still can't do anything clever but it's fun to show off all we do!have a great week!

cshel said...

Sounds like a fun way to get the family together!

Andrea said...

Wow Joann! When you UPDATE you UPDATE women! It looks like you guys have been staying busy and having lots of fun too. I think the kids look so so cute in on their first day of school.

The Cha's said...

Hey Jo,
About time you updaate. LOL
I know I have no room to talk.
Yeah, for Monte coming in first place for his age group, tell him congrats. So I'm a little confused, Anali was crying when running? Did she not want to run?
I was sad that we weren't able to get together when you came out this way. :( Maybe next time.
I'll probably be calling in a few weeks just to catch up.


Anonymous said...

You have had a ton going on. Sounds like the race and visiting family was super fun. Your kids look darling in the school pictures. Sailing lessons, that is so awesome. You have such a neat family.I'm greatful I get to be in Iowa because of great people like you!
Thanks for the baby food Ashlynn gobbled it right up.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Britton says She got medals in gymnastics the is so AWESOME!